Gisma, along with her three children, arrived in the United States just a year ago, encountering numerous challenges as she embarked on her new life as a single mother without familial support in the country. Despite facing these obstacles, within a year of her arrival, she secured full-time employment. However, Gisma found herself without the ability to drive and lacked a personal vehicle, relying on a friend for things such as transportation to work and grocery shopping. Recognizing the necessity of acquiring driving skills and establishing a reliable means of commuting, Gisma took prompt action.
Upon learning about the Economic Opportunity program through a friend, Gisma wasted no time in reaching out. Asmaa Albukaie, a member of our Twin Falls EO team, assisted Gisma in applying for a personal loan to fund her driving lessons. Gisma also participated in the EO credit education class. Today, she holds a valid driving license, possesses a better understanding of the U.S. credit system, and is on the path to financial stability. Congratulations, Gisma – the future looks promising.